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Simon, A. C. (Anne Catherine)

LC control no.no2001055405
Personal name headingSimon, A. C. (Anne Catherine)
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Variant(s)Simon, Anne Catherine
Found inPolitesse et idéologie, 2000: t.p. (A.C. Simon) p. 185 (Anne-Catherine Simon; Aspirant FNRS à l'U.C.L.)
Schnitzlers Wien, 2002: t.p. (Anne-Catherine Simon) p. 131 (b. 1975)
La structuration prosodique du discours en français, c2004: t.p. (Anne Catherine Simon) p. 4 of cover (b. 1975, Bruxelles; researcher, Fonds national de la recerche scientifique; teaches at the Université de Benève)
Invalid LCCNno2002062789 no2004085009