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Medina, Bartolomé de, 1527 or 1528-1580

LC control no.no2001086747
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMedina, Bartolomé de, 1527 or 1528-1580
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Variant(s)De Medina, Bartolomé, 1527 or 1528-1580
Medina, Bartolomé de, 1527 or 8-1580
Other standard no.0000000118563731
Birth date[1527,1528]
Death date1580
Place of birthMedina de Ríoseco (Spain)
Place of deathSalamanca (Spain)
Field of activityTheology
Profession or occupationTheologians Religious educators
Found inExpositio in tertiam D. Thomae partem, 1582: t.p. (avthore Bartholomeo a Medina)
Expositio in primam secvndae angelici doctoris D. Thomae Aquinatis, 1602: t.p. (avthore F. Bartholomeo a Medina)
New Cath. Enc. (Medina, Bartolomé de; Dominican theologian; b. 1527 or 1528; d. Jan. 29, 1580)
Wikipedia, viewed August 21, 2024 (Bartolomé de Medina, O.P.; theologian; born 1527 in Medina de Rioseco, Spain; died 1580 in Salamanca, Spain; a member of the Dominican Order and a student of Francisco de Vitoria was professor of theology at the University of Salamanca and a member of the School of Salamanca; best known as the originator of the doctrine of probabilism in moral theology, which holds that one may follow a course of action that has some probability, even if the opposite is more probable)