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Barbarin, Philippe

LC control no.no2001101034
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBarbarin, Philippe
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Associated countryFrance
Associated placeLyon (France)
Birth date1950-10-17
AffiliationCatholic Church. Archdiocese of Lyon (France)
Profession or occupationPriests
Found in"Théologie et sainteté", 1999: title page (Philippe Barbarin)
Guibert, Étienne. Le mystère du Christ d'après Henri de Lubac, 2006: title page (Mgr. Philippe Barbarin)
Conférence des évêques de France website, viewed October 15, 2012: link to Liste des cardinaux français (Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, archevêque de Lyon depuis 2002; born October 17, 1950; ordained priest on December 17, 1977; created Cardinal on October 21, 2003)
Associated languagefre