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Bradley, Curtis A

LC control no.no2002022786
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBradley, Curtis A.
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Birth date1964
Field of activityUnited States--Foreign relations--Law and legislation
International law
AffiliationDuke University. School of Law
University of Virginia. School of Law
Profession or occupationLaw teachers
Found inHis Treaties, human rights, and conditional consent, 2000 : t.p. (Curtis A. Bradley)
Foreign relations law, 2002: ECIP t.p. (Curtis A. Bradley) datasheet (b. 1964) galley (prof. of Law, Univ. of Va.)
AALS directory of law teachers, 2010-2011: (Bradley, Curtis A; Prof. Univ. of Va., 2000-2005; Prof. Duke since 2005; federal courts, foreign relations law, international law)
Associated languageeng