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Weissheimer, Wendelin, 1838-1910

LC control no.no2002059460
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWeissheimer, Wendelin, 1838-1910
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Variant(s)Weissheimer, W. (Wendelin), 1838-1910
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1838-02-26
Death date1910-06-16
Place of birthOsthofen (Germany)
Place of deathNuremberg (Germany)
Field of activityComposition (Music) Conducting Musical criticism
Profession or occupationComposers Conductors (Music) Authors, German
Found inOCLC, June 26 2002 (hdg.: Weissheimer, Wendelin, 1838-1910; usage: W. Weissheimer), March 15, 2019 (Wendelin Weissheimer (26 February 1838, Osthofen - 16 June 1910, Nuremberg) was a 19th-century German composer, conductor, essayist, teacher and music writer)
Not found inBibliothek der deutschen Literatur, Bibliographie und Register, 1999