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Mandrella, Isabelle

LC control no.no2002064846
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMandrella, Isabelle
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Associated countryGermany
Associated placeMunich (Germany)
Birth date1968
Field of activityPhilosophy, Medieval
AffiliationUniversität München. Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Profession or occupationPhilosophy teachers
Found inDas Isaak-Opfer, 2002: title page (Isabelle Mandrella)
Viva imago, 2012: title page (Isabelle Mandrella) page facing title page (born 1968)
Gilbert, de La Porrée. Expositio in Boethii De Trinitate, 2017: title page (Isabelle Mandrella)
Universität München, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät website, viewed November 9, 2017: link to Lehrstühle/Professuren page (under Philosophie: Prof. Dr. Isabelle Mandrella; born 1968; studied in Bonn; has taught at Munich since 2011; author of Das Isaak-Opfer; research interest: medieval philosophy)
Associated languageger