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Perrey, Mireille

LC control no.no2002067836
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingPerrey, Mireille
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Variant(s)Perry, Mireille
Perret, Camille
Other standard no.0000000119299207
Birth date1904-02-03
Death date1991-05-08
Place of birthBordeaux (Gironde, France)
Place of deathFontainebleau (France)
Profession or occupationActors
Found inMadame de --, 1954: video container (Mireille Perry)
Les parapluies de Cherbourg, 1964: credits (Mireille Perrey)
French actress
Bibliothèque nationale de France, via VIAF, viewed May 3, 2022 Perrey, Mireille; born 1904-02-03, Bordeaux (Gironde), died 1991-05-08, Fontainebleau (Seine-et-Marne); language: French; actress; co-director of the Comédie Wagram (1950s), with Maxime-Faber; pseudonym of Camille Perret)
Associated languagefre