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Bradley, Jan, 1943-

LC control no.no2002076968
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBradley, Jan, 1943-
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Variant(s)Bradley, Addie, 1943-
Birth date19430706
Place of birthByhalia, Miss.
Field of activityRhythm and blues music Popular music
Profession or occupationRhythm and blues musicians Singers
Found inGroups of goodies [SR] 1965: label (Jan Bradley, vocals)
All music guide website, June 6, 2002 (Jan Bradley; b. July 6, 1943; Byhalia, MS)
Oxford music online, August 13, 2013: Encyclopedia of popular music (Bradley, Jan; born Addie Bradley, July 6, 1943, Byhalia, Mississippi; best known for the 1963 pop/R&B hit Mama didn't lie; had left show business by the end of the 1960s; employed as a social worker in the late 1980s)