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Poll, Lucas van de, 1630-1713

LC control no.no2002084465
Personal name headingPoll, Lucas van de, 1630-1713
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)De Poll, Lucas van, 1630-1713
Van de Poll, Lucas, 1630-1713
Found inDisputatio medica inauguralis de chlorosi, 1696: t.p. (... Lucae van de Poll, J.U.D. & Codicis in ... Academia Rheno-Trajectina professoris ordinarii)
Universiteit Leiden online cat., 13 Sept. 2002 (Poll, Lucas van de, 1630-1713, jurist)
Biografische index van de Benelux, 1997 (Poll, Lucas van de, 1630-1713, prof. of law, poet)