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Thompson, Leslie, 1901-1987

LC control no.no2002087393
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingThompson, Leslie, 1901-1987
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Variant(s)Thompson, Leslie, d. 1987
Associated countryJamaica
LocatedLondon (England)
Birth date1901-10-17
Death date1987-12-26
Place of birthKingston (Jamaica)
Place of deathLondon (England)
Profession or occupationTrumpet players Trombonists Jazz musicians
Found inBlack British swing [SR] p2001: insert (Leslie Thompson; 1930s swing and stage musical trumpeter)
All music guide WWW site, Aug. 30, 2002: (Leslie Thompson; d. Dec. 26, 1987 in London, England; trumpet and trombone player)
Grove music online, October 16, 2019 (Thompson, Leslie (Anthony Joseph); born October 17, 1901, Kingston, Jamaica, died December 26, 1987, London; Jamaican trumpeter; moved to London in 1929)