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Althaus, Rüdiger

LC control no.no2003010234
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAlthaus, Rüdiger
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Associated countryGermany
Associated placePaderborn (Germany)
Birth date1961-03-27
Place of birthKirchlinde (Germany)
AffiliationTheologische Fakultät Paderborn
Profession or occupationTheologians Canonists
Found inDie Rezeption des Codex Iuris Canonici von 1983 in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, 2000: title page (Rüdiger Althaus) back cover (born 1961)
LC in OCLC, January 31, 2003 (hdg.: Althaus, Rüdiger)
Theologische Fakultät Paderborn website, viewed November 5, 2019: link to Fakultät page (under Mitarbeitende: Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Althaus; born 1961 in Dortmund-Kirchlinde; ordained to the Catholic priesthood in 1987; obtained his doctorate in 1995 at the Universität Regensburg; has taught at Paderborn since 1999)
German Wikipedia, viewed November 5, 2019 (Rüdiger Althaus; born March 27, 1961, in Kirchlinde; German Roman Catholic priest; scholar of canon law; teaches at the Theologische Fakultät Paderborn)
Associated languageger