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Lovisa Ulrika, Queen, consort of Adolf Fredrik, King of Sweden, 1720-1782

LC control no.no2003020843
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLovisa Ulrika, Queen, consort of Adolf Fredrik, King of Sweden, 1720-1782
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Louisa Ulrika, Princess of Prussia, 1720-1782
Lovisa Ulrika, consort of Adolf Fredrik, King of Sweden, 1720-1782
Luise Ulrike, von Preussen, 1720-1782
Birth date1720-07-24
Death date1782-07-16
Found inThe Queen Lovisa Ulrika collection of numismatic literature, 2001: p. 13 (b. July 24, 1720, daughter of Frederick William I of Prussia and Sophia Dorthea of Hanover, sister of Frederick II; m. Prince Adolf Fredrik of Sweden in 1744)
OCLC, Mar. 3, 2003 (hdg.: Lovisa Ulrika, consort of Adolf Fredrik, King of Sweden, 1720-1782)
Roman, J.H. Drottningholmsmusiken, p2010: insert (Louisa Ulrika of Prussia = Luise Ulrike von Preussen)
Wikipedia, October 3, 2024 (Louisa Ulrika of Prussia, Swedish: Lovisa Ulrika, German: Luise Ulrike; b. July 24, 1720; d. July 16, 1782; married King Adolf Frederick and was mother to King Gustav III)