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LC control no.no2003064675
Personal name headingMacKac
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)MacKac, André
Mac Kac
Reilles, Jean-Baptiste
Reilles, Baptiste
Reilles, André MacKac
Found inHampton, L. Jam session in Paris [SR] 1955?: container (MacKac, drums)
Internet, URL:, June 30, 2003 (André MacKac, drums)
Hampton, L. Lionel Hampton and his French new sound [SR] 2000: container (Jean-Baptiste "Mac Kac" Reilles, drums)
Hampton, L. Hamp, 1993: p. 229 (Baptiste "Mac Kac" Reilles, drums)
Internet, URL:̃arren.robert/musicians.htm, viewed Dec. 2, 2004 (Andre MacKac Reilles, drums)