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Bono, Giovanni, Saint, 1168 or 1169-1249

LC control no.no2003077973
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBono, Giovanni, Saint, 1168 or 1169-1249
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Variant(s)Buono, Giovanni, Saint, 1168 or 1169-1249
Zanebono, Saint, 1168 or 1169-1249
Giambono, Saint, 1168 or 1169-1249
Zanibono, Saint, 1168 or 1169-1249
Zannebono, Saint, 1168 or 1169-1249
Associated countryItaly
Birth date[1168,1169]
Death date1249-10-16
Place of birthMantua (Italy)
Found inMattei, M. Il processo di canonizzazione di fra Giovanni Bono (1251-1253/54) fondatore dell'Ordine degli eremiti, 2002: p. 9, etc. (b. in Mantua, Italy around 1169; d. in 1249, when many testimonies of the time say he was 80; founded the Order of Augustinian Hermits; canonized in 1254)
OCLC, Aug. 4, 2003 (hdg.: Bono, Giovanni, Saint, 1168-1249)
Zanebono, c2008: back cover (Giovanni Buono (o Bono) da Mantova, detto Zanebono, è un personaggio realmente vissuto tra il 1168 e il 1249)
Treccani website, September 29, 2015 (GIOVANNI Bono (Giambono, Zanibono, Zannebono); born in Mantua, probably in 1168 or in 1169; died October 16, 1249 (not October 23, as usually it is believed))
Not found inMcBrien, R.P. Lives of the saints, c2001; The book of saints, 1989; Holweck, F.G. A biographical dictionary of the saints, 1969; Butler's lives of the saints, 1956; Bibliotheca sanctorum, 1961