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Schwarz, Renate, 1937-

LC control no.no2003124785
Personal name headingSchwarz, Renate, 1937-
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Variant(s)Schwartz, Renate, 1937-
See alsoRenata, 1937-
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Found inTimothy and the taxi, 1989: t.p. (Renate Schwarz) cover (Renate Schwartz)
SANB correspondence with author, Sept. 14, 1989 (full name: Schwarz, Renate Elizabeth; maiden name: Landsberg; b. June 6, 1937)
Ngomnye uLwesibini ngaseMlanjeni, 2007: t.p. (Renata) p. 3 of cover (Renate Schwarz)
Equivalent(s)Schwarz, Renate, 1937-
Quality codesanb