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Lange, Willy, 1864-1941

LC control no.no2004023926
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLange, Willy, 1864-1941
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Variant(s)Lange, Willy, b. 1864
Lange, Willy, 1864-
Birth date1864-05-23
Death date1941-03-16
Field of activityLandscape architecture
Found inGartengestaltung der Neuzeit, 1922: t.p. (Willy Lange)
RLIN, Mar. 3, 2004 (hdg.: Lange, Willy, 1864-)
German Wikipedia, viewed 20 December 2024 (Willy Lange, German garden architect, 23 May 1864-16 March 1941)