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Nesen, Wilhelm

LC control no.no2004031168
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingNesen, Wilhelm
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Nesen, Guillaume
Nesenus, Guilelmus
Nesen, Guilelmus
Nesen, Guilielmus
Nesenus, Guilhelmus
Other standard no.0000000071034444
LocatedLouvain (Belgium)
Birth date[1492,1493]
Death date1524-07-06
Place of birthNastätten (Germany)
Place of deathWittenberg (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany)
Profession or occupationEducators Humanists College teachers
Found inLes funérailles de la muse de Guillaume Nesen, 2001: t.p. (Guillaume Nesen)
Epistola de magistris nostris Louaniensibus, quot, & quales sint, quibus debemus magistralem illam damnationem Lutherianam, [1520?] (name not given)
VD16 N 537 (Wilhelm Nesen)
DNB in VIAF, April 6, 2012 (hdg.: Nesen, Wilhelm, 1493-1524; humanist; var.: Nesenus, Guilelmus; Nesen, Guilelmus; Nesen, Guilielmus; Nesenus, Guilhelmus)
Deutsche biographische Enzyklopädie (Nesen, Wilhelm; schoolmaster; professor at Louvain; follower of Erasmus; b. 1493, d. July 6, 1524)
German Wikipedia, viewed on Oct. 6th 2023 (Wilhelm Nesen; (born 1492 in Nastätten; died July 6th 1524 in Wittenberg) was a German humanist and pedagogue.)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed October 6, 2023 (Wilhelm Nesen, born 1492 or 1493; variant names: Guilelmus Nesenus, Guilelmus Nesen, Guilielmus Nesen, Guilhelmus Nesenus)