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Bromery, Randolph W. (Randolph Wilson), 1926-2013

LC control no.no2004070613
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBromery, Randolph W. (Randolph Wilson), 1926-2013
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Bromery, R. W. (Randolph Wilson), 1926-2013
Birth date1926
Death date20130226
Field of activityGeophysics
AffiliationUniversity of Massachusetts at Amherst
Profession or occupationCollege presidents
Found inAeromagnetic map of the Belmont quadrangle, Orange and Spotsylvania Counties, Virginia, 1963: map recto (Randolph Wilson Bromery)
OCLC database, July 20, 2004 (hdgs.: Bromery, Randolph Wilson, 1926- ; Bromery, Randolph W.; usage: Randolph W. Bromery; Randolph Wilson Bromery; R.W. Bromery)
The chronicle of higher education, Mar. 15, 2013: p. A20 (Randolph W. Bromery; d. Feb. 26, 2013, Massachusetts; chancellor of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1971-1979; professor emeritus of geophysics)
Associated languageeng