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Kang, Kech Ieu, 1942-

LC control no.no2005088985
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKang, Kech Ieu, 1942-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Ieu, Kang Kech, 1942-
Douch, 1942-
Duch, Comrade, 1942-
Deuch, 1942-
Hang Pin, 1942-
Kaing, Guek Eav, 1942-
Kang, Kek Iew, 1942-
Kaing, Kek Iev, 1942-
Kaṃng, Hkekʻāv, 1942-
Duc, 1942-
Birth date1942-11-17
Place of birthKampong Chen (Cambodia)
Found inThe lost executioner, 2005: p. 7 (Kaing Guek Eav (Comrade Duch))
Hist. dict. of Cambodia, 2003 (Kang Kech Ieu alias Duch, b. 1943 in Kampong Chen, Staung, Kampong Thom; directed the Communist Party of Cambodia security center, S-21)
Dunlop, Nic. The lost executioner, 2006: CIP galley 29 (Duch b. Kaing Geuk Eav b. Nov. 17, 1942 [birthday discrepancy])
Wikipedia, viewed July 5, 2011: Kang Kek Iew (Kang Kek Iew or Kaing Kek Iev, also romanized as Kaing Guek Eav, nom de guerre Comrade Duch or Deuch ; or Hang Pin, (born 17 November 1942))
Heindel, A., The Duch verdict, 2010: p.3 (born Nov. 17, 1942 in Poev Veuy cillage, Peam Bang commune)
Bāky samtī suṃ ʻabhăy dos ning kārdadual sgál kārdadual khustrūv ṭoy Kaṃng Hkekʻāv hau Ḍuc, 2009: t.p. (Kaṃng Hkekʻāv; Duc)
Le Khmer rouge et le non-violent, 2011: credits frame (Kaing Guek Eav, alias Douch)
Associated languagekhm