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John Dumbleton, approximately 1310-1349

LC control no.no2005090546
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingJohn Dumbleton, approximately 1310-1349
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Variant(s)De Dumbleton, Johannes, approximately 1310-1349
Dumbleton, John, approximately 1310-1349
Johannes, de Dorebeltone, approximately 1310-1349
Johannes, de Dumbleton, approximately 1310-1349
Johannes Dumbleton, approximately 1310-1349
John Dumbleton, ca. 1310-1349
Birth date1310~
Death date1349
Found inBiblioteca apostolica vaticana. Manuscript. Vat. lat. 954 [MI] between 1951 and 1959 (name not given)
Codices Vaticani Latini. Tomus 2, pars 1 (codices 679-1134), 1931: p. 398 (under Vat. lat. 954: Johannes Dumbleton)
Sharpe, R. Handlist of the Latin writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540, 1997 (John Dumbleton, d. 1349; not the same person as John of Dumbleton OSB, d. after 1324, monk of Worcester)
Personennamen des Mittelalters, 2000 (Johannes Dumbleton, fl. 1338-1348; also as Johannes de Dumbleton, Johannes de Dorebeltone)
Mediaeval studies, 1969: p. 210 (Dumbleton, John; b. ca. 1310, d. 1349)