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Weisse, Michael, approximately 1488-1534

LC control no.no2005095263
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWeisse, Michael, approximately 1488-1534
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Variant(s)Weisse, Michael, ca. 1488-1534
Weisse, M., approximately 1488-1534
Weissen, Michael, approximately 1488-1534
Weis, Michael, approximately 1488-1534
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1488~
Death date1534-03-19
Place of birthNeisse (Germany)
Place of deathLanškroun (Czech Republic)
Profession or occupationTheologians Clergy Composers Translators
Hymn writers
Found inBegräbnisgesang, 2005: 3rd prelim. p. (Michael Weisse)
Literatur-Lex. (Weisse, Michael, b. ca. 1488, d. 1534; preacher & author of hymn texts)
Wikipedia, March 10, 2020 (Michael Weisse; b. circa 1488, Neisse; d. 19 March 1534, Landskron; German theologian and hymn writer)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek WWW site, December 6, 2024 (Weisse, Michael; born ca. 1488, Neisse, died 1534, Lanškroun; theologian, preacher, composer, hymn writer, translator; other names: Weisse, M., Weissen, Michael, Weis, Michael)