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LC control no.no2005121357
Corporate name headingICA AB
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)ICA Group
ICA (Firm)
Found inSwedish cakes and cookies, 2005: (ICA Test Kitchens)
Its Web site, viewed 2005 Dec 22 (ICA AB; ICA Group (ICA AB) is one of the Nordic region's leading retail companies with just over 40,000 employees and 2,600 stores in Scandinavia and the Baltic region; 1998, ICA Handlarnas AB [no pubs. in LC data base] and Norway's Hakon Gruppen AS [no pubs. in LC data base] merge into a single parent company, ICA AB)
Hakon Swenson, c2012: t.p. (ICA)