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Ernest, Herman V., III, 1951-2011

LC control no.no2006012464
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingErnest, Herman V., III, 1951-2011
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Ernest, Herman V.
Ernest, Hermann V., III, 1951-2011
Associated countryUnited States
Associated placeNew Orleans (La.)
Birth date1951-08-12
Death date2011-03-06
Profession or occupationDrummers (Musicians)
Found inJohn, Dr. Live at Montreux [SR] p2005: insert (Hermann V. Ernest III, drums; Herman V. Ernest III)
Google WWW search, Feb. 3, 2006 (Herman V. Ernest III [ca. 580 hits]; Hermann V. Ernest III [ca. 10])
All music guide WWW site, Feb. 3, 2006 (Herman V. Ernest III; b. Herman Vilere Ernest III; drummer), June 27, 2018 (Herman Ernest III; died March 6, 2011, at age 59; the longtime drummer in Dr. John's Lower 911 band and a literal and figurative giant of New Orleans funk drumming)
Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014, via, June 27, 2018 (Herman V. Ernest; born 12 Aug 1951, died 6 Mar 2011)
Not found inU.S. copyright file, Feb. 3, 2006 (cannot identify with Ernest, Herman, 1951- , composer of Song of the bayou)