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Dunn, James C. (James Clement), 1890-1979

LC control no.no2006016638
Personal name headingDunn, James C. (James Clement), 1890-1979
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Found inDept. of State, U.S. Embassy, Brazil records, 1905-ca. 2000: (James Clement Dunn; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, 1955-1956)
Marquis Who's Who online, Feb. 11, 2006: (James Clement Dunn; b. 1890; U.S. career ambassador; ambassador to Brazil, 1955-1956)
Dept. of State WWW site, Feb. 11, 2006: Alphabetical list of chiefs of mission ..., 1778-2004 (James Clement Dunn; b. 1890; d. 1979)