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Gerhards, Meik, 1970-

LC control no.no2006021399
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGerhards, Meik, 1970-
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Associated countryGermany
Associated placeRostock (Germany) Cologne (Germany)
Birth date1970
Place of birthWaldbröl (Germany)
AffiliationUniversität zu Köln
Profession or occupationOld Testament scholars
Found inDie Aussetzungsgeschichte des Mose, 2006: title page (Meik Gerhards) back cover (born 1970)
Gerhards, Meik. Protevangelium, 2017: title page (Meik Gerhards) back cover (PD Dr. theol. habil. Meik Gerhards; Privatdozent for Old Testament at the Theologische Fakultät of the Universität Rostock; Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the Institut für Evangelische Theologie at the Universität zu Köln)
Universität zu Köln, Institut für Evangelische Theologie website, viewed March 24, 2017: link to Abteilungen page (under Biblische Theologie: PD Dr. Meik Gerhards; born 1970 in Waldbröl (Oberbergischer Kreis); studied Oriental languages at Marburg and received his Promotion there in 2005; joined the faculty in Cologne in 2014)
Associated languageger