LC control no. | no2006040740 |
Personal name heading | Beinhorn, Elly, 1907-2007 |
Variant(s) | Rosemeyer, Elly Beinhorn, 1907-2007 Wittman, Elly, 1907-2007 Beinhorn-Rosemeyer, Elly, 1907-2007 Rosemeyer-Beinhorn, Elly, 1907-2007 |
Found in | 180 stunden uber Afrika, 1933: t.p. (Elly Beinhorn) OCLC Database, Apr. 19, 2006 (hdg.: Beinhorn, Elly; usage: Elly Beinhorn) (hdg.: Beinhorn, Elly, 1907- ; usage: Elly Beinhorn) (hdg.: Beinhorn-Rosemeyer, Elly; usage: Elly Beinhorn-Rosemeyer) (hdg.: Rosemeyer, Elly Beinhorn, 1907- ; usage: Elly Beinhorn) (hdg.: Rosemeyer, Elly Beinhorn, 1907- ; usage: Elly Beinhorn Rosemeyer) Wikipedia, Apr. 19, 2006 (Elly Beinhorn, b. 1907; famous aviatrix known for long distance solo flying, including trips to Africa, America, and Asia; married Bernd Rosemeyer in 1936; widowed in 1937; married Dr. Wittman in 1941) German Wikipedia WWW site, Dec. 4, 2007 (under Elly Beinhorn: Elly Rosemeyer-Beinhorn; b. May 30, 1907, Hannover; d. Nov. 28, 2007, Ottobrunn; famous German aviatrix of the 20th century) |