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Khumalo, Fred

LC control no.no2006071506
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPR9369.4.K476 English
PL8844.K486 Zulu
Personal name headingKhumalo, Fred
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Other standard no.12617095
LocatedJohannesburg (South Africa)
AffiliationUniversity of South Africa
Profession or occupationAuthors College teachers Newspaper editors Journalists
Found inTouch my blood, 2006: title page (Fred Khumalo) page 3 of cover (editor and columnist, Sunday Times; lives in Johannesburg)
Ngenxa yeMendi, 2019: title page (Fred Khumalo) page 188 (He is a novelist and long-time journalist)
uManzekhofi nezakhe, 2019: title page (Fred Khumalo)
A coat of many colours, 2021: title page (Fred Khumalo) about the author (Award-winning author of numerous fiction and non-fiction books. He was recently appointed Ajdunct Professor of Literature at the University of South Africa)
Associated languageeng zul