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Blanda, George, 1927-2010

LC control no.no2006109023
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBlanda, George, 1927-2010
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryUnited States
Associated placeChicago (Ill.)
LocatedLexington (Ky.)
Birth date1927-09-17
Death date2010-09-27
Place of birthYoungwood (Pa.)
Field of activityFootball
AffiliationUniversity of Kentucky
Chicago Bears (Football team)
Baltimore Colts (Football team) Houston Oilers (Football team)
Oakland Raiders (Football team)
Profession or occupationFootball players Quarterbacks (Football) Placekickers (Football)
Found inOver forty, 1978: t.p. (George Blanda)
OCLC data base, Oct. 13, 2006: (hdg.: Blanda, George, 1927-)
New York times WWW site, Sept. 28, 2010 (in obituary published Sept. 27: George Blanda; b. George Frederick Blanda, Sept. 17, 1927, Youngwood, Pa.; d. Monday [Sept. 27, 2010], aged 83; quarterback and place-kicker who played professional football longer than anyone else and who retired having scored more points than anyone else)
Kentucky encyclopedia, ©1992: pages 86-87 (George F. Blanda; entered University of Kentucky in 1945, graduated in 1951. Signed by the Chicago Bears in 1949 through 1958, also played for Baltimore Colts, Houston Oilers and Oakland Raiders (1967-1976). Named Associated Press' male athlete of the year in 1970 and NFL's man of the year in 1974. Elected to the Professional Football Hall of Fame in 1981.)
Associated languageeng