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McLean, J. H. (James Henry), 1829-1886

LC control no.no2007031910
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMcLean, J. H. (James Henry), 1829-1886
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Variant(s)McLean, James Henry 1829-1886
LocatedNova Scotia Philadelphia (Pa.) Saint Louis (Mo.)
Birth date1829-08-13
Death date1886-08-12
Place of birthAyrshire (Scotlend)
Place of deathDansville (N.Y.)
Field of activityPatent medicines
Profession or occupationPhysicians Representatives, U.S. Congress
Found inDr. J.H. McLean's almanac and diary 1892, c1891
OCLC, Mar. 22, 2007 (hdg.: McLean, James Henry, 1829-1886; usage: J.H. McLean)
Biographical directory of the United States Congress (McLean, James Henry; representative from Missouri; reared in Nova Scotia, Canada; immigrated to the U.S. in 1842 and settled in Philadelphia where he was employed as a clerk in a drug store; moved to St. Louis, Mo., in 1849; moved to New Orleans to take charge of the financial operations of the Lopez expedition to Cuba; returned to St. Louis; graduated from the St. Louis Medical College in 1863 and practiced in St. Louis; served in Congress 1882-1883, filling vacancy; b. Aug. 13, 1829 in Ayrshire, Scotland; d. Aug. 12, 1886 at Danville, N.Y.)
America's Historical Newspapers, via WWW, Nov. 30, 2018: New York Tribune, New York, N.Y., Aug. 13, 1886 (Dr. James H. McLean; millionaire patent medicine manufacturer of St. Louis, Mo.; b. 1829 in Ayreshire [sic], Scotland; d. Aug 12 at Danville [sic], N.Y.)
Associated languageeng