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Kemmers, Fleur

LC control no.no2007033566
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKemmers, Fleur
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Other standard no.0000-0001-9962-7812
Birth date1977
AffiliationRadboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Universität Frankfurt am Main
Profession or occupationUniversity and college faculty members
Found inCoins for a legion, c2006: t.p. (Fleur Kemmers) p. 9 ( Ph. D. thesis, Radboud University, Nijmegen, June 2005)
OCLC, 23 July 2008 (hdgs.: Kemmers, Fleur, Kemmers, Fleur, 1977- ; usage: Fleur Kemmers)
Money, coinage and colonialism, 2025: ECIP title page (Fleur Kemmers) galley (professor of coinage and money in the Graeco-Roman World at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)