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Gentry, Chuck, 1911-1988

LC control no.no2007091147
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGentry, Chuck, 1911-1988
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Variant(s)Gentry, Charles T., 1911-1988
Birth date19111214
Death date19880101
Place of birthBelgrade (Neb.)
Place of deathCalifornia
Field of activityJazz
Profession or occupationSaxophonist Clarinetist Bassoonist
Found inRust, B. Amer. dance band discography, 1975: p. 860 (Chuck Gentry, baritone sax)
OCLC, Aug. 9, 2007 (hdg.: Gentry, Chuck, 1911- )
Crosby, Bob. Bob Crosby's great hits with the Bobcats [SR], 1965: label (Charles Gentry, baritone sax)
Discogs website, Nov. 6, 2013 (Chuck Gentry Real Name: Charles T. Gentry Profile: American jazz saxophonist (baritone), clarinetist, bassoon and reeds player. Born : December 14, 1911 in Belgrade, Nebraska. Died : January 01, 1988 in California. Alternate names: "Chuck" Gentry, Charles Gentry, Charles T. 'Chuck' Gentry, Chas. T. Gentry)
Associated languageeng