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Crossley, Wallace

LC control no.no2007129225
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCrossley, Wallace
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LocatedMexico (Mo.) Warrensburg (Mo.)
Birth date18741004
Death date19431213
Place of birthBeliar (Mo.)
AffiliationWilliam Jewell College
University of Missouri
State Normal School (Warrensburg, Mo.)
Profession or occupationAuthors
Publishers and publishing
Lieutenant governors
Found inHiking in Henrys, 1915: p. 3 (Wallace Crossley)
Wikipedia, website viewed 4 December 2013 (Wallace Crossley; October 4, 1874-December 13, 1943; 29th Lieutenant Governor of Missouri; publisher of The Daily Star-Journal in Warrensburg, Missouri; born in Belair, Missouri in Cooper County, Missouri; raised in Boone County, Missouri and grew up in Mexico, Missouri; attended William Jewell College and Univsersity of Missouri; taught English at Warrensburg Normal School (now University of Central Missouri); member of the Missouri House of Representative from 1905-1911 and Missouri State Senate from 1913 to 1917 and lieutenant governor form 1917 to 1921.
Associated languageeng