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Isbell, Jason

LC control no.no2007148184
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingIsbell, Jason
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Variant(s)Isbell, Michael Jason
See alsoCorporate body: 400 Unit (Musical group)
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Other standard no.Q6162757
Biography/History noteJason Isbell (born Michael Jason Isbell February 1, 1979) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. He is known for his solo career, his work with the band The 400 Unit, and as a former member of Drive-By Truckers for six years, from 2001 to 2007. Isbell has won four Grammy Awards.
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1979-02-01
Place of birthGreen Hill (Ala.)
Lauderdale County (Ala.)
AffiliationDrive-By Truckers (Musical group)
Profession or occupationSingers Guitarists Pianists
Found inIsbell, J. Sirens of the ditch [SR] 2007: label (Jason Isbell, vocals, guitar & piano)
All music guide WWW site, Apr. 16, 2010 (Jason Isbell; b. Feb. 1, 1979, Green Hill, AL; singer/guitarist)
Wikipedia viewed August 12, 2021 (Jason Isbell (born Michael Jason Isbell February 1, 1979) is an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. He is known for his solo career, his work with the band The 400 Unit, and as a former member of Drive-By Truckers for six years, from 2001 to 2007. Isbell has won four Grammy Awards.)