LC control no. | no2008012216 |
Geographic heading | Biberstein (Switzerland) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Switzerland--Biberstein |
Found in | Biberstein, 2005: p. 4 (Gemeinde Biberstein im Kanton Aargau) Geographisches Lexikon der Schweiz, 1902: 1. Bd., p. 249 (Biberstein (Kt. Aargau, Bez. Aarau); Gem. und Dorf) Wikipedia, Nov. 30, 2007 (Biberstein, municipality in the district of Aarau of the canton of Aargau in Switzerland; 47°25ʹN 8°05ʹE) |
Not found in | GEOnet, Nov. 30, 2007 Web. geog. National Geog. atlas of the world |
Geographic area code | e-sz--- |