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Croci, Antonio, active 1630-1642

LC control no.no2008033520
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCroci, Antonio, active 1630-1642
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Variant(s)Croci, Antonio, fl. 1630-1642
Beginning date1630
Ending date1642
Found inHis Frutti musicali di messe tre ecclesiastiche, 1642: t.p. (Antonio Croci)
New Grove, 2nd ed. www site, Feb. 29, 2008 (b. Modena, late 16th century; d. after 1641; Italian theorist and composer; in 1633 he was organist of S Francesco, Bologna, and in 1642 was master of the novices at the monastery at S Felice sul Panaro, Modena)
OCLC, Feb. 29, 2008 (hdg.: Croci, Antonio, fl. 1630-1642; Croci, Antonio, fl. 1642; Croci, Antonio; Croci, Fra Antonio; usage: Fra Antonio Croci)