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Friedrich und Andreas Perthes (Firm)

LC control no.no2008052229
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingFriedrich und Andreas Perthes (Firm)
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Variant(s)Perthes (Firm)
Friedrich & Andreas Perthes (Firm : 1840-1854)
See alsoSuccessor: Friedrich Andreas Perthes (Firm)
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Founder: Perthes, Andreas, 1813-1890
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Founder: Perthes, Friedrich Christoph, 1772-1843
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Beginning date1840-01-01
Ending date1854-01-01
Field of activityPublishers and publishing
Found inDas Kind von der Wiege bis zur Schule, 1878: t.p. (Friedrich und Andreas Perthes)
Friedrich Andreas Perthes article in German Wikipedia, viewed September 27, 2018 (The firm Friedrich & Andreas Perthes began publishing January 1, 1840, in Gotha under the management of Andreas Hansa Traugott Perthes, son of publisher Friedrich Christoph Perthes. Friedrich Perthes died in 1843. His firm was merged with Friedrich & Andreas Perthes under the name Friedrich Andreas Perthes January 1, 1854.)