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Tawfīq, Aḥmad Khālid

LC control no.no2008087613
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTawfīq, Aḥmad Khālid
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Variant(s)توفيق، أحمد خالد
Towfik, Ahmed Khaled
Tawfīk, Ahmed Khaled
Farraag, Ahmed Khaled Tawfik
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Cannot identify with: Tawfīq, Aḥmad, n 80032440
Found inYūtūbiyā, 2008: t.p. (Aḥmad Khālid Tawfīq)
Utopia, 2011: t.p. (Ahmed Khaled Towfik)
Wikipedia, via WWW, July 6, 2012 (Ahmed Khaled Tawfīk)
Wikipedia, 08-27-2013: (Ahmed Khaled Tawfik Farraag (Arabic: أحمد خالد توفيق‎); b. June 1962, in Tanta, Egypt ; also known as Ahmed Khaled Tawfik; prof. of medicine at Tanta Univ.; also novelist and poet; he is the first Arab writer to explore the horror/science fiction genre and the first Arab writer to explore the medical thriller genre; his series (Fantasia) was a first of its kind in Arabic)