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Houck, Friedrich Gottfried, 1708-1767

LC control no.no2008173057
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHouck, Friedrich Gottfried, 1708-1767
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Variant(s)Houck, F. G. (Friedrich Gottfried), 1708-1767
Houck, Fridericus Gottfridus, 1708-1767
Houk, Fredericus Godefridus, 1708-1767
Huck, Friedrich Gottfried, 1708-1767
Houck, Frederik Godfried, 1708-1767
Houck, Friedrich, 1708-1767
Houckius, Fridericus Godefridus, 1708-1767
Houck, Fridericus Godefridus, 1708-1767
Other standard no.000000004683651
Birth date1708-08-19
Death date1767-06-28
Place of birthBurgsteinfurt (Steinfurt, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)
Place of deathUtrecht (Netherlands)
Field of activityCivil law
AffiliationRijksuniversiteit te Utrecht
Profession or occupationLawyers College teachers
University and college faculty members
Found inDissertatio philosophica inauguralis de legum Dei physicarum et moralium harmonia, 1748 : t.p. (Friderici Godefridi Houck)
World biog. info. system online, 21 Nov. 2008 ( (Houck, Friedrich Gottfried; b. 1708, d. 1767; jurist)
OCLC WorldCat, 21 Nov. 2009 (hdgs.: Houck, Fridericus Godefridus; Houck, Fridericus Gotfridus; Houck, F.G.; usage: Houck, F.G.)
Short title catalogue Netherlands, viewed on March 16th, 2021 (Houck, Frederik Godfried; born 1708; died 1767; jurist, college teacher; variant names: Houck, Friedrich; Houck, Fridericus Gotfridus; Houckius, Fridericus Godefridus; Houck, Fridericus Godefridus)
Catalogus Professorum Academiae Rheno-Trajectinae, viewed on March 16th, 2021 (Prof.dr. F.G. Houck (1708-1767); professor of Civil Law, Utrecht University, 1746-1767)
Wikipedia, viewed on March 16th, 2021 (Friedrich Gottfried Houck (also: Fredericus Godefridus Houk, Friedrich Gotfried Huck; born 19 August 1708 in Burgsteinfurt; died 28 June 1767 in Utrecht) was a German jurist)
Wikidata, viewed on March 16th, 2021 (Friedrich Gottfried Houck; German jurist)