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Millennium (Norstedts förlag)

LC control no.no2009102303
Descriptive conventionsrda
Uniform title headingMillennium (Norstedts förlag)
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Variant(s)Larsson, Stieg, 1954-2004. Millennium (Norstedts förlag)
Lagercrantz, David. Millennium (Norstedts förlag)
Series numbering example3 DPCC WaU
Series place/Issuing bodyStockholm Norstedts
Stockholm Polaris
Series analysis practicef WaU
Series tracing practicet DPCC WaU
Series class practices WaU
Form of workSeries (Publications)
Place of originStockholm (Sweden)
AffiliationNorstedts förlag
Found inLuftslottet som sprängdes, c2007: series title page (Millennium) title page verso (Millennium-serien)
Män som hatar kvinnor, 2015: title page verso (Millenniumserien) cover (Millennium)
OCLC, Sept. 11, 2017 (Millenium has been written by both Stieg Larsson and David Lagercrantz)
Smirnoff, Karin. Lokattens klor, 2024: t.p. (Millennium) t.p. (Polaris)