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Kempner, Walter, 1903-1997

LC control no.no2009119111
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKempner, Walter, 1903-1997
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Associated countryGermany United States
Birth date19030125
Death date19970927
AffiliationDuke University. School of Medicine
Profession or occupationPhysicians
Found inScientific publications by Walter Kempner, MD, 2002- : t.p. (Walter Kempner)
OCLC database, July 21, 2009: (hdgs: Kempner, Walter; Kempner, Walter, 1903-; Kempner, Walter, 1903-1997; usage: Walter Kempner)
Marquis who's who WWW site, July 24, 2014 (Walter Kempner; b. January 25, 1903, Berlin, d. September 27, 1997; professor emeritus, Duke School Medicine; originator of the rice diet)