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Dietrich, Jan, 1974-

LC control no.no2010008489
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDietrich, Jan, 1974-
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LocatedÅrhus (Denmark)
Birth date1974
Field of activityEducation, Higher Bible--Study and teaching (Higher)
AffiliationAarhus universitet
Found inTod und Jenseits im alten Israel und in seiner Umwelt, c2009: t.p. (Jan Dietrich) p. 722 (Wissenschaftlicher Assistent für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft der Universität Leipzig)
Universität Leipzig, Theologische Fakultät, Aug, 27, 2009 Mitarbeiter (Jan Dietrich, curriculum vitae, b. 1974; publications include works on the Bible and Erich Fromm)
"What is human?", 2017: title page (Jan Dietrich) page 433 (Dr. theol., Associate Professor of Old Testament, Aarhus University)
Associated languageeng