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Hayman, James (James H.)

LC control no.no2010149820
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPS3608.A9445
Personal name headingHayman, James (James H.)
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LocatedPeaks Island (Me.)
Place of birthBrooklyn (New York, N.Y.)
AffiliationBrown University
Special noteFormerly on undifferentiated name record: no 99028650
Found inThe cutting, 2009: t.p. (James Hayman) data view (advertising creative director in New York for thirty years before moving to Maine; lives in Peaks Island, Maine) book t.p. (James Hayman)
E-mail from author, 18 June 2010 (Author's middle initial is H., but doesn't use middle initial in publication) website, viewed Mar. 6, 2017: (James Hayman; born in Brooklyn; graduated from Brown University; arrived in Portland, Me. in Aug. 2001; [has lived there since])