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Elfinger, Anton, 1821-1864

LC control no.no2010159300
Personal name headingElfinger, Anton, 1821-1864
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Elfinger, Anton, 1822-1864
Cajetan, J. (Joseph), 1821-1864
Cajetan, 1821-1864
Special notePseudonym also a valid AACR2 heading: Cajetan, 1821-1864
Found inChallenge dermatology, 1993.
NUC pre-56 (hdg.: Elfinger, Anton, 1822-1864; usage: Anton Elfinger)
LC database, 26 Sep. 2010 (hdg.: Cajetan, J), 26 Sep. 2010 (Anton Elfinger; b. 15 Jan. 1821; d. 19 Jan. 1864; Austrian physician and illustrator; illustrations and cartoons often published under the pseudonym Cajetan)
ULAN in VIAF (hdg.: Cajetan, Joseph; Austrian or German painter, draftsman, illustrator; 1821-1864; alt. names: Cajetan; Cajetan, J.; Elfinger, Anton)