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Gripka, Israel Nash

LC control no.no2010204940
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGripka, Israel Nash
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Nash, Israel
Profession or occupationSingers Composers Lyricists Guitarists
Found inRip this joint [SR] p2010: container (Israel Nash Gripka, vocals)
Gripka, Israel Nash. Israel Nash's rain plans, 2014: container (produced by Israel Nash; all songs written by Israel Nash)
Web site for, September 19, 2014: Israel Nash (Israel Nash is the recording and performing moniker of American singer, songwriter, and guitarist Israel Nash Gripka; Discography Israel Nash's Rain Plans (August, 19, 2014 / North America Release); Israel Nash's Rain Plans (2013); 2011 Barn Doors Spring Tour, Live in Holland (2011); Barn Doors and Concrete Floors (2011); New York Town (2009))
Associated languageeng