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Vitense, Otto, 1880-1948

LC control no.no2011013955
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingVitense, Otto, 1880-1948
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Variant(s)Vitense, O. (Otto Carl Ernst Friedrich), 1880-1948
Birth date18800327
Death date19481231
Place of birthWittenburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany
Place of deathNeubrandenburg, Germany
Profession or occupationeducator local historian
Found inMecklenburgische Geschichte, 1912: t.p. (Otto Vitense)
OCLC, Jan. 26, 2011 (hdg: Vitense, O.; Vitense, Otto; Vitense, Otto (Historiker); Vitense, Otto, 1880-; Vitense, Otto, b. 1880 ; usage: Otto Vitense; O. Vitense)
Wikipedia, German, via WWW, Jan. 26, 2011 (Otto Carl Ernst Friedrich Vitense; educator and local historian; born Mar. 27, 1880 in Wittenburg; died Dec. 31, 1948 in Neubrandenburg)
Associated languageger