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Official, Joseph ben Nathan, active 13th century

LC control no.no2011023184
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingOfficial, Joseph ben Nathan, active 13th century
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Variant(s)Joseph ben Nathan Official, active 13th century
Joseph, ha-Mekanne, active 13th century
Joseph, the Zealot, active 13th century
Official, Joseph ben Nathan, 13th cent.
Ofitsyal, Yosef ben Natan, active 13th century
Yosef, ha-Meḳane, active 13th century
אופציאל, יוסף בן נתן, המאה ה-13
יוסף בן נתן אופיציאל, המאה ה-13
יוסף, המקנא, המאה ה-13
Beginning date12
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated
Found inSefer Yosef ha-meḳane, 1970: t.p. (ר' יוסף ב"ר נתן אופיציאל = R. Natan b.R. Natan Ofitsyal) added t.p. (R. Joseph b. R. Nathan Official)
EJ, 2007 (Official, Nathan ben Joseph and Joseph, leading polemicists of Franco-German Jewry of the 13th century. Joseph, the son of Nathan, is also known as Joseph the Zealot (Joseph ha-Mekanne), because he was zealous in the defense of Judaism and compiled a book under this name.)