LC control no. | no2011031821 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Rosenthal, David August, 1812-1875 |
Birth date | 1812 |
Death date | 18750329 |
Found in | Convertitenbilder aus dem neunzehnten Jahrhundert, 1871-1872: t.p. (David August Rosenthal) Jewish (viewed online 28 Feb. 2011): (Rosenthal David August. German physician and author; born at Neisse, in Silesia, in the year 1812; died at Breslau March 29, 1875. He was educated at the University of Breslau, whence he was graduated M.D. In 1851 he embraced Roman Catholicism; He began his literary career in 1862 by editing the poetical works of the Catholic mystic "Angelus Silesius," better known as Johann Schefller. Between the years 1869 and 1872 he published his "Convertitenbilder aus dem Neunzehnten Jahrhundert" (4 vols., Schaffhausen), or biographical sketches of Jews and Protestants who had embraced the Roman Catholic faith during the nineteenth century) |