LC control no. | no2011065973 |
Geographic heading | Harz (Germany : Landkreis) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Germany--Harz (Landkreis) |
Variant(s) | Landkreis Harz (Germany) |
See also | Halberstadt (Germany : Landkreis) Quedlinburg (Germany : Landkreis) Wernigerode (Germany : Landkreis) |
Found in | Burgen und Schlösser - Landkreis Harz, c2010: t.p. (Landkreis Harz) p. 6 (created Jul. 1, 2007 from the prior Kreise of Halberstadt, Quedlinburg and Wernigerode, plus the city of Falkenstein; encompasses the north-east Harz and the northeastern Harz foreland) German Wikipedia, Apr. 25, 2011: "Landkreis Harz" (Landkreis Harz; Landkreis in Saxony-Anhalt, created in the second round of Kreis territorial reforms of Jul. 1, 2007, from the prior Landkreise of Halberstadt, Wernigerode and Quedlinburg, and the city of Falkenstein / Harz (Landkreis Ashersleben-Strassfurt)) |
Not found in | GEOnet |
Geographic area code | e-gx--- |