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Meineke, Eva Maria, 1923-2018

LC control no.no2011122077
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMeineke, Eva Maria, 1923-2018
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Meineke, Evy Maria, 1923-2018
Meineke-Angermeyer, Eva Maria, 1923-2018
Birth date1923-10-08
Death date2018-05-07
Place of birthBerlin (Germany)
Place of deathMajorca (Spain)
Field of activityMotion pictures Television Theater Music-halls (Variety-theaters, cabarets, etc.)
Profession or occupationActors
Found inFantôme d'amour, 2009, ©2009: title frame (Eva Maria Meineke)
Internet Movie Database, Aug. 8, 2011 (Eva Maria Meineke; Oct. 8, 1923, Berlin, Germany; actress)
César et Rosalie, 1972, 2020: title frame (Eva Maria Meineke, cast member)
IMDb, July 21, 2020 (Eva Maria Meineke, German actress; born October 8, 1923, in Berlin, Germany; died May 7, 2018, in Mallorca, Spain; active in film and television, early 1940s-about 2008)
German Wikipedia, via WWW, July 21, 2020 (Eva Maria Meineke, also known as Evy Maria Meineke or Eva Maria Meineke-Angermeyer, German stage and film actress; first appeared on the stage in 1943; also played cabaret and acted in radio plays; married twice, to Austrian actor Siegfried Breuer, and second to film producer Heinz Angermeyer)
Associated languageger fre