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Kraus, Johanna Sibylla, 1650-1717

LC control no.no2011150869
Personal name headingKraus, Johanna Sibylla, 1650-1717
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Küsel, Johanna Sibylla, 1650-1717
Küsel, Johanna Sibilla, 1650-1717
Krauss, Johanna Sibylla, 1650-1717
Küssell, Johanna Sibylla, 1650-1717
Küsell, Johanna Sibilla, 1650-1717
Krausen, Johanna Sibylla, 1650-1717
Found inDas mit Jesu bekreuzigte Hertz, 1731: engravings (Johanna Sibylla Krausen)
VIAF via WWW, 30 Augst 2011 (Kraus, Johanna Sibylla, 1650-1717; Augsburg engaver; daughter of Melchior Küsel (1626-1683), married to Johann Ulrich Kraus)
Thieme, U. Allg. Lexikon der bild. Künstler, 1928 (Johanna Sibilla Küsel; member of the Küsel family of copperplate engravers and goldsmiths at Augsburg)
OCLC, 30 August 2011 (hdg.: Küsell, Johanna Sibilla)